Thursday, February 21, 2008

John McCain and the Right Wing Conspiracy

Don't blame liberal media bias on the publishing of the New York Times article claiming Republican presidential hopeful John McCain had an illicit affair with a lobbyist. There have been claims the NYT had sat on the story, waiting until McCain was clearly the winner of the Republican nomination to attack him. In my opinion, the people who "leaked" where part of Hillary Clinton's vast Right Wing Conspiracy who wanted this information to come out earlier.

The reason this is not a liberal attack is because they would be throwing stones in their glass house. First, Gary Hart's 1988 presidential ambitions were sunk as if the Monkey Business were torpedoed by the Donna Rice affair. By 1992 Bill Clinton was hit with a scandal about an affair with more substantial evidence than the McCain accusation. Hillary Clinton announces she will
"stand by her man" and all was forgiven. Later, the majority of the country said it was none of their business when details of Bill Clinton's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky led to the second impeachment of a president in United States history. The American people would probably now "say so what, they all do it." Another reason it could not be the liberals is because the party is currently in a heated battle between factions of the old guard backing Hillary Clinton and new elements who are supporting Barak Obama and are too distracted with each other to start in on McCain.

It is no secret the conservative wing of the Republican Party do not like McCain and wished Mitt Romney or even Mike Huckabee became the party's standard bearer. Unlike the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, who will hold their nose and support whoever the Democratic nominee is, the right wing would rather see the Republican Party destroyed in order to save it. Unfortunately, the right wing have never been able to tolerate the gray playing field that national politics plays in. To the extreme right you must be 110% conservative or they will have no use for you. Whoever leaked this story probably wanted to discredit McCain so a proper Conservative would gain the nomination. However, the New York Times did not run the story to suit the timetable of this story's architect.

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